
The Management Committee

The Chinchilla Community Kindergarten Inc. is an incorporated association and is run via the rules of our constitution. An executive management committee elected from the current year’s parent body at the Annual General Meeting, manages the constitution, combined with the guidelines set out by C&K.

In order for the Kindergarten to run, we must elect a management committee consisting of a President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. Also a fundraising sub committee, book club officer, grants officer and maintenance officer may also be elected. Without parental support of the committee, the Kindergarten will not run. It is very important that parents attend general meetings to ensure opinions are voiced and the Kindergarten can run as smoothly as possible.

Current Committee

President:  Dani Clark

Vice-President: Nikiha Davies

Secretary:  Ellissa McCullough

Treasurer:  Angela Marsden

Kindy (33)

Annual General Meeting

The AGM is held in February each year. Annual President, Director and Treasurer reports are presented and a new committee is elected.

General Meetings

Each term a meeting is held to discuss business, fundraising and to make decisions to ensure the smooth running of The Chinchilla Community Kindergarten. All parents are invited to attend these meetings. Parent participation is vital to the smooth success of the Kindy. Meetings can not be conducted without a quorum of parents.  An agenda is posted the week before the meeting.

Committee Positions

The following positions need to be filled each year. Being part of the committee is a rewarding experience and we are sure you will look back on this time fondly. Please consider what you may have to offer to these positions as the Kindy relies on parent involvement.


  • Supports the Staff and Parents of the Kindergarten.
  • Plays a major role in general meetings and provides leadership and strategic direction.
  • Liaises with the Kindy’s C&K’s representative.
  • Remains impartial.
  • Encourages participation.

Vice President

  • Provides support and assistance to the President.
  • Steps up in the absence of the President.
  • Responsible for looking after all workplace health and safety issues within the Kindy. This requires regular checks to ensure workplace health and safety is up to date. Liaise with Director in regards to this.


  • Responsible for writing any letters, emails or etc and any thank-you letters.
  • Advertise meetings - put out agenda at least 7 days before meeting.
  • Secretary minutes must be displayed in the Kindy as soon as possible after the meeting.
  • Records the minutes of all meetings, handles all correspondence and maintains files including staff and personnel records.


  • Reviews the budget.
  • Ensures timely preparations of statutory financial statements for audit.
  • Approves wages and accounts.
  • Assists the Administration Officer with anything that he/she requires. This role and the role of Secretary is well supported by the employed Administration Officer.

"Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections every few years, but when you volunteer, you vote everyday about the kind of community you want to live in."

- anonymous