Curriculum & Philosophy
We are here to nurture your children’s desire to learn and to help with the important work of guiding your child’s intellectual, emotional and physical development.
The children at The Chinchilla Community Kindergarten are encouraged to explore, investigate and fulfil their natural curiosity about the world around them.
Chinchilla Community Kindergarten Philosophical Statement

The Learner’s Role
We believe every child has the right to learn and feel safe and valued in supportive learning environments. We see each child as unique, with different personalities, needs and interests, who discover, explore and flourish at their own pace. We believe children construct their own knowledge and understandings as they interact with others. We recognise children as competent and capable learners who are active participants in their own learning and development. We believe children develop positive dispositions for learning as they explore and experiment areas of interest. We strive to develop children’s confidence and self-worth on their journey to becoming life-long learners, and effective members of the Kindergarten and wider community.
The Educator’s Role
We believe that the role of the educator is to co-create rich, stimulating and safe environments that foster the development of the whole child; social, emotional, physical, language and cognitive domains. We acknowledge children learn in different ways and ensure our learning experiences support their broad range of learning styles. Educators utilise the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines to enhance learning and development for each child, in responsive, socially relevant and inclusive environments.
Play presents children with unlimited opportunities to immerse themselves in meaningful and engaging learning that promote creativity, enquiry, enthusiasm and persistence. Educators empower children to make choices and solve problems to meet their needs in various play situations. Children’s play is supported, and allows for continuity of learning. Educators acknowledge the importance of observing, planning, implementing and reflecting to support children’s development. Educators use intentional teaching to scaffold and extend on children’s learning within indoor and outdoor environments.
Our educators are part of a strong, cohesive and experienced team, dedicated to providing a well-balanced education for every child. We value and respect the individuality of each staff member and acknowledge and celebrate their strengths and utilise these opportunities to extend the learning of others. Our educators engage in regular reflective practice and professional development opportunities to ensure best practice.

The Role of the Learning Environment
Our safe, learning environments are aesthetically pleasing and reflect the individual identities of our children and families, promoting a strong sense of belonging. Children take ownership of their learning spaces and they are ever-evolving to meet the changing interests and individual needs of our children. These environments encourage exploration, problem- solving and creativity, and promote a sense of wonder. Children have access to an extensive range of resources to extend their interests and learning. Free-flowing and stimulating indoor and outdoor spaces facilitate endless learning opportunities.

The Families’ Role
We recognise the integral role that families play in their child’s Kindergarten journey. We strive to establish strong partnerships with our families and value and embrace their ideas and contributions. We appreciate and welcome the sharing of information, and educators and families collaboratively develop educational goals to enhance children’s learning and development. We actively encourage family participation through sharing ideas, culture, knowledge and skills. We value strong partnerships with families and the wider community, to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding between home and Kindergarten.